Misconceptions That Can Get In The Way Of Your Child's Optimal Growth

Misconceptions That Can Get In The Way Of Your Child's Optimal Growth


Don’t let these common misconceptions get in the way
of your child’s optimal growth.

My child’s feeding difficulty is just a phase.

Feeding difficulties could be due to an underlying medical condition or inappropriate feeding practices. You can improve your child’s feeding so that he/she gets adequate nutrition to grow well.

Growth monitoring isn’t important anymore.

Growth monitoring can detect nutritional or other health problems that could otherwise go unnoticed, even if your child is not sick or in pain.

Nothing wrong with being short or underweight.

A child who doesn’t grow well may face development delays, do poorly in school and have higher risk of obesity and nutrition-related chronic diseases.

I can’t fix my child’s growth.

Good nutrition will optimise your child’s growth – but don’t wait until your child is too old.

If I’m short, my child will be short too.

With the right care and nutrition, your child can grow taller and does not need to suffer the effects of poor growth.

4 steps to growing tall and well

Step 1: Growth Monitoring

Don’t miss your child’s critical growth years. Track his/her growth 1-2 times every year with the doctor before their 10th birthday.

Step 2: Good Nutrition

Provide your child a diet of moderation, balance and variety.

Step 3: Better Feeding

Ask your child’s doctor how the IMFeD feeding system can help overcome your child’s feeding difficulties and make mealtimes enjoyable.

Step 4: Nutritional Support

Providing 2 servings of complete nutritional support daily can help to get your child’s growth back on track and stay on track.

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